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Episode Show Notes

Tax planning: Game Winning Strategies!

Tax planning: Game Winning Strategies!

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani, Erik Olson, and Adrian Nicholson go through targeted topics to help you win in this year’s tax season. They talk about the common tax scams to watch out for in 2022, efficient tax location strategies, and the benefits of using a defined benefit retirement plan.

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Fed Effects, Hormesis, and Investment Expectations

Fed Effects, Hormesis, and Investment Expectations

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani, Erik Olson, and Adrian Nicholson add another episode installment to the “Bring Your Own Topic” series. They talk about how Fed policies influence market movements, how stress can actually be a good thing, and why predicting the profitability of a stock is never that easy.

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RL108 – Are we in a stock, bond, and real estate bubble today?

Are we in a stock, bond, and real estate bubble today?

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani, Erik Olson, and Adrian Nicholson dissect Jeremy Grantham’s publication on the US Super Bubble Extravaganza. They discuss the similarities between previous market crashes and the current market environment, the economics of the Fed Put, and what a super bubble burst would do to your retirement plans.

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geopolitical conflict vs your portfolio

How does war impact the stock market?

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani and Adrian Nicholson talk about how the markets behave in response to wars and conflicts. They analyze market trends in response to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, fed policies during times of war, and why time horizons are crucial for investing during uncertain times. Listen now to learn How does war impact the stock market?

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Modern Monetary Theory with Luigi Zingales and Bethany McLean

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani, Erik Olson, and Adrian Nicholson debunk The Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) with Bethany McLean and Luigi Zingales, the hosts of the Capitalisn’t Podcast. Bethany is Vanity Fair’s contributing editor, while Luigi is a world-renowned economics professor.

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freeze your credit

How To Freeze Your Credit

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani, Erik Olson, and Adrian Nicholson dissect credit freezes and explain why they are among the most effective anti-fraud strategies available today. They go through the benefits of executing a credit freeze, the difference between a credit freeze and a fraud alert, and the downside to freezing your credit.

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battle of the plans software edition

Battle of the Plans – Software Edition

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani, Erik Olson, and Adrian Nicholson use their complex financial planning software packages to analyze a hypothetical retirement plan. They go through capital market assumptions, the benefits of budgeting in retirement, and how life expectancy influences retirement spending.

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NFT: Non-Fungible Tokens Explained

Today on the Retirement Lifestyle Show, Roshan Loungani, Erik Olson, and Adrian Nicholson break down NFTs and how they work. They explore the nuts and bolts that define NFTs, the business side, and the opportunities that NFTs present in the current economic landscape.

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